Shipping & Delivery Policy

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs vary depending on the shipping destination and the number of items that you purchase. You can get a calculation of your exact shipping charges by adding items to your cart, proceeding to checkout, and entering your mailing address. The shipping cost will automatically update and display your total costs.

Shipping fees are based also on the size, weight, and number of the packages in order. Larger products and additional items will incur slight shipping surcharges. Total shipping charges are shown on the checkout page.

And we offer free shipping for orders over ₹800 in total in 15 km radius.

Estimated time of arrival?

All items offered on CENTRAL NURSERY AND AGRO PRODUCTS are made-to-order. This means that when you place your order, we pack that item/s just for you, one at a time for the best quality!

We process orders on business days which are Monday through Saturday and exclude holidays observed by the State Government and Government of India.

Order Tracking

You will receive a confirmation email with a tracking link so that you can follow your order all the way home! Please allow 5-7 days for the carrier to scan your package into their system.

If you attempt to track your package and there is no information available that just means the carrier has not processed your parcel yet. When the parcel is scanned into the system, tracking events will populate the tracking page.

Can the order be delivered to multiple addresses?

We do not offer shipping to multiple addresses for a single order. If you would like items delivered to multiple addresses, please place those orders separate.